# Editing or Deleting a Single Submission **Last updated:** 15 Feb 2022 To edit or delete a submitted questionnaire, please follow the steps below. Please note: - If you're collecting data with the KoboCollect app, once a form has been submitted to the server it is **not possible** to edit or delete a submission from KoboCollect. - It is **not possible** to do bulk edit or deletions. 1. Open the _DATA_ tab of your project, and then click on _Table_ on the left. You will see two icon options to either **Open** or **Edit** a record in the first column of the data table. ![image](/images/howto_edit_single_submissions/data.jpg) 2. You can view, validate, edit, or delete submissions by clicking the **OPEN** icon to open the _Submission Record_ modal. Or you can click the **EDIT** icon to go directly to editing the submitted form. **NOTE: DELETING IS NOT REVERSIBLE.** ![image](/images/howto_edit_single_submissions/edit.jpg)