# Importing a XLSForm via URL **Last updated:** 26 Jul 2020 When importing an XLSForm via URL, please make sure that the URL points to the XLS file directly and that it is publicly accessible. A quick way to test this is to load the URL in a browser: it should trigger the download of the file. (If it loads a page in the browser, then it's not the right URL.) ## Google Sheets To get the correct link for a Google Sheets spreadsheet, follow these steps: 1. Click on **File > Publish** to the Web. 2. Under the **Web Page** dropdown, select **Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)**. Keep **Entire Document** selected in the preceding dropdown. 3. Copy the link from the resulting field. ![image](/images/xls_url/link.jpg) **Note for advanced users:** in our tests, the "Automatically republish when changes are made" checkbox doesn't always work well. You may need to stop publishing and republish the spreadsheet to get an updated link. ## Dropbox To get the correct link for a spreadsheet in Dropbox, follow these steps: 1. Make sure the XLSForm file is in a public Dropbox folder in your account. 2. Copy its link. It should end with the suffix `?dl=0`. Replace the 0 with 1, so that your link ends in `?dl=1`.